Contemporary Graphic Dezign

Welcome to CG.Dezign, a graphic design service in Pretoria specialising in a variety of design products to assist you in getting you up and running with your business. 

Starter Business Design Services
Layout and design services  

Get your new business up and running with a variety of stationery and online services such as...
- Stationery and book designs
- Online Presence: websites and hosting
- Marketing & Maintenance

Life celebration album videos
Albums & videos productions

Celebrate your loved ones via a Life Celebration Album Video which can be used before a funeral service at the church or celebrate the life of your loved one on their birthday with a video collage. We also provide general video and marketing productions.

custom posters and paintings
Custom posters & background scenes

We provide custom designed posters and marketing material for your your home/office. Any size and any format. Our custom designed background scenes can be used for presentations, marketing material or displays.

Contemporary Thinking.
Getting back to basics without the hassle.

© All Rights Reserved - CG-DEZIGN is Graphic Design service in Pretoria | All factual and other information within this website, including any attachments relating to the official business of CG-DEZIGN, is the property of CG-DEZIGN. It is legally privileged and protected against unauthorized use. CG Dezign is affiliated to Digital Interactive.